Entry & Exit

  1. On entry from Saltburn Road, please ensure the first gate is closed securely. Wait in the car park until a previous user has left.

  2. You and your dogs must remain in the vehicle until it is your turn to use the field. Allowing dogs out of cars in the parking area could upset previous users with nervous or reactive dogs.

  3. Once the field is vacated, push the gate open, secure it then drive through into the parking area. The gate should then be closed securely.

  4. There is a pedestrian gate to the park with a code to input. You will be sent this via email before your session. Please close this gate behind you.

  5. On leaving the field, always lock the inner gate, even if someone is waiting to come in. This is to ensure that only authorised users can access the park. Never divulge this passcode to anyone.