Saltburn K9 Adventure Park

Unleash the fun at Saltburn K9 Park!

Secure dog walking field.

Introduction - £12 for 50 minutes

Greet and introduce you to the park (mandatory for first time visitors).

Short introduction explaining how everything works. The rest of the time is your own to enjoy the park.

Dogs should be vaccinated for Distemper, Parvovirus and infectious Canine Hepatitius before your session. Kennel Cough is recommended but not compulsary.

Terms and conditions to be agreed before using the field.

Field Hire - £10 for 50 minutes

Embark on an exciting expedition with your dogs.

With 1.5 acres of open space, the park offers a safe space for your dogs to run free and enjoy themselves. There are also various unique activities within the park to climb, dig, jump, explore and smell!

The main aim of the park is to allow you to have time for you and your dog to play, train and chill out, improving your relationship.

You may like to come with friends provided the dogs are known to each other and no more than three cars are present. Please see the pricing options for bringing more than 3 dogs on the booking page.

Party Booking - £24 for 90 minutes

For parties coming with more than three cars.

Enjoy 90 minutes of tail-wagging fun, where the whole gang can come down and play together! Feel free to bring drinks and snacks and make a real party of it!

We will be down to supervise parking arrangements at the beginning and end of your session.

For longer sessions, please contact us via email (see bottom of the website) to discuss details and we will do our best to book you in specially!

How to find us…


Saltburn K9 Adventure Park

Saltburn K9 Adventure Park is situated in beautiful countryside between the Saltburn and Brotton.

There are plenty of public toilets at the carpark opposite Saltburn beach.

If you are coming from Saltburn you need to drive down Saltburn bank towards the sea and follow the road to Brotton. The field is situated roughly 1 mile from Saltburn opposite the opening to CoastGuard Cottages lane end.

If you are travelling from Brotton you need to travel down the high street and turn right after the church,just opposite the White House Care Home along Saltburn Road. Follow the road towards Saltburn for roughly 1 mile. Again, opposite the entrance to coast Guard Cottages lane end.

Behaviour on the Park

  1. Please respect people, dogs and equipment.

  2. Do not enter or allow your dogs to enter adjoining fields.

  3. Try to limit excessive barking so we don’t annoy our neighbours!

  4. Do not drop litter or leave toys or uneaten treats in the field. Please take all litter home.

  5. Pick up after your dog. A dog bin is provided.

  6. No smoking anywhere on site.

  7. Please do not groom your dog on site.

  8. Encourage your dog to dig in the sand but not in the field. If accidents do occur, please fill in the hole and report it for safety and security reasons.

  9. If you share your slot with friends, please ensure everyone reads and agrees to the terms and conditions and that all dogs get along.

Using the Facilities

  1. Dogs under 18 months should be restricted from using the height equipment due to their developing growth plates.

  2. Ensure your dogs are physically fit enough to perform activities.

  3. Do not use equipment in wet or icy conditions, as the surfaces can become slippery.

  4. We advise you to encourage dogs to partake in activities but do not force them onto obstacles!

  5. The activities are designed for dogs, not children or adults. Please ensure children are supervised.

  6. Please bring your own water and bowls as there are none on site.


No climbing on the fence surrounding the park or in the outer car park.

The fence will be inspected and maintained regularly however, holes and other damage to the fence may occur from time to time. We would appreciate you informing us if you spot any irregularities so we can fix them as soon as possible. We can not however take any responsibility for any dog escaping from the field. You must keep an eye on your dog at all times as they are your responsibility.

Never leave your dogs unattended in the field or in your car.

Dog Trainers

If you wish to use the field with a dog trainer, or if you are a professional, please contact us at: We would be very interested in discussing a potential partnership, as we have already had various clients enquiring about dog trainers.


Saltburn K9 Adventure Park is commiteed to ensuring privacy is protected. We hold your personal information so we can provide you with a service and for internal record keeping. Your name is needed to track payments and your email address is needed to send the gate access code.

We will never pass your information to a third party. By processing your booking, you consent to use using your information in the above ways.